Upgrading yourself from Junit 4 to Junit 5
What is new in Junit5 as compare to Junit4
- Junit4 framework was contained in a single jar library. The whole library needs to be imported even when only a particular feature is required. In JUnit 5, we get more granularity and can import only what is necessary
- One test runner can only execute tests in JUnit 4 at a time . JUnit 5 allows multiple runners to work simultaneously
- JUnit 4 never advanced beyond Java 7, missing out on a lot of features from Java 8. JUnit 5 makes good use of Java 8 features
Package/modules of Junit 5
- Jupiter contains all the junit 5 api
- vintage allows backward compatibility with JUnit 4 or even JUnit 3
New annotations of Junit5
is used to declare a custom display name for the annotated test class or test method.
is used to signal that the annotated test class or test method is currently disabled and should not be executed.
@BeforeEach & @AfterEach
Annotations for running code before and after each method
@BeforeAll & @AfterAll
Annotations for running code before and after each class
By default the methods need to be static
in both JUnit 4 and 5, but in v5 we can annotate the class to avoid need to make the All
methods static:
Exception Handling in junit-5
JUnit 5 uses an assertion with the code in a closure lambda expression, which allows additional assertions to be made on the exception
Conditional Execution
@EnabledOnOS(OS.Linux) & @EnabledOnJre(JRE)
assumeTrue & assumeFalse
assumeTrue() validates the given assumption to true and if assumption is true — test proceed, otherwise test execution is aborted.
This assertion allows the creation of grouped assertions, where all the assertions are executed and their failures are reported together. In details, this assertion accepts a heading, that will be included in the message string for the MultipleFailureError
@Nested helps to create hierarchical contexts to structure the related unit tests together; in short, it helps to keep the tests clean and readable.
tags can be used to filter test discovery and execution of specific tests.