Java 8 Functional Interface
2 min readMar 20, 2018
Functional Interface
- Any interface which has only one abstract method is a functional interface
- This interface can be used anywhere a functional interface is eligible to use
- @FunctionalInterface annotation explicitly tells the compiler to treat the interface as Functional interface. Compiler will make sure that all the rules are followed to make interface as Functional.
Usage: Implementation of functional interface’s abstract method can be passed around as lambada expression.
Example of pre-existing Functional Interfaces in Java
Some of the commonly used functional interface in java 8
- Function and BiFunction
- Predicate and BiPredicate
- Consumer and BiConsumer
- Supplier
- Consumer<T> is an in-built functional interface.
- It can be used in all the places where an object has to be consumed i.e taken as input and perform some operation on the object without returning any result.
- Since Consumer is a functional interface, hence it can be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or a method reference.
- It contains two methods accept & andThen.
Example to use Consumer
BiConsumer: It is same as Consumer but it takes two input argument instead of one. Rest all the things are same.
- Supplier<T> is an in-built functional interface.
- In reverse to the Consumer, Supplier can be used at places where you don’t take any input for an operation but return an Object
Usage Example
- Predicate<T> is an in-built functional interface.
- It can be used at places where you want to perform a test on given input object
- There are few other default method provided in predicate which can help in performing other operation like and(), or(), negate()
- BiPredicate takes two arguments and does the same work
Usage Example
I have taken reference from and few other websites.